Songs We Must Have

Songs We Must Have!

I guess I have a thing for redheads.  First, Florence Welch and now A Fine Frenzy.  A fine Frenzy just released a new album, and I wanted to highlight one of the tracks called, “What I Wouldn’t Do.”  But like all things, it was problematic because I am at the mercy of youtube!  So I decided to hghlight another one of her standout tracks from her first album.  I like pretty much any song with a piano, and especially with a sexy chick playing it.  What I like about this track is lyrics, it is cleverly written.  At first listen, the song means one things, then after a closer listen, it mean another!  That’s what I love about music, I love the subjectivity.  So I hope that you enjoy A fine Frenzy, if anything else, she is cute to look at!