Album Reviews

DJ Turrtle Reviews: Daniel Spree

l_9a35d0e1f1198d0002e49e9ee7eaf39d1Artist: Daniel Spree

Los Angeles ( – With the voice of heartache and a sound of joy, Daniel Spree is quickly becoming the name on everyone’s lips. The Singer/Songwriter has an unforgettable delivery while penning catchy up-beat hooks in his lyrics.
The song that would best describe this would be “It Ain’t Over,” a song that drives you to crank up the volume in your car or ipod, stop whatever you are doing and enjoy the surprising elements of the instruments. The drums on this song are outrageous, which brings a reminiscent summer quality to you.
Then there is “Needle in he Heart,” perhaps my favorite song in his arsenal. Daniel Spree is able to conjure up the sounds and subtlety of Radiohead and Muse. This song is the gem that will no doubt propel you to crave more Daniel Spree! It is a circus of emotions that will take you on a wild ride that feels like a needle in the heart.
“Racing,” perhaps the song that will make you smile, laugh and want you to fulfill your dreams, is an inspirational song. Conceivably this song will be your mantra for the new year. Daniel Spree’s method has a quick and easy delivery. His debut album entitled Full Capsule, is soon to be released.

Check Him out at: