Artist of the Week

#ATOW (Legends Series): CCR

Creedence-Clearwater-Revival3Some things just go together. Peanut butter and jelly, movies and popcorn, whiskey and coke, these things just work. That’s why the first legend of the summer pairs better with the summer sun than anyone else. I didn’t even have to think about this one. Summer isn’t summer with out BBQs and CCR. This week’s ARTIST OF THE WEEK LEGEND: Creedence Clearwater Revival.

The band consisted of these fine gentlemen:

John Fogerty: Guitar and Vocs

Stu Cook: Bass

Doug Clifford: Drums

Tom Fogerty: Rhythm Guitar

Bursting onto the scene in the late 60’s, they became THE sound of their generation. Fronted by the unmistakable John Fogerty, CCR began releasing what seemed like a never-ending stream of singles. The first two came off their self-titled debut. Those songs were Suzie Q and I Put A Spell On You. Classics.


Hailing from Northern California, the band largely avoided the drug-addled vibCreedence-Clearwater-Revival-creedence-clearwater-revival-29235564-462-390es of the Bay area, opting instead for the classic blues of the Mississippi Delta.

This is usually the part of the article where I start breaking down the history of the band, but I’m not gonna do that. You wanna read their history; you can do so in this delightful Rolling Stone article found here.

I’m changing it up because I’ve got a soft spot in my heart for CCR. Mostly because it was one of the few bands that my Dad and I were able to agree upon. For years I made fun of his taste in music. The guy loved Styx, ABBA, and The Bee Gees. He was a disco kid from Wisconsin. How he got onto CCR I will never know. Despite the disco love, anytime there was a road trip, Fortunate Son was in heavy rotation.

Anytime there was a backyard BBQ, Down on the Corner was blasting.

4371-creedence-clearwater-revivalSure these guys appear on the soundtrack to every Vietnam movie I’ve ever seen, but in reality their Americana groove is the backing to nearly every early childhood memory I have. Summer comes around and suddenly they flood in thick. I load in their “best of” and I can’t help but flashback to my Dad doing woodwork in the garage. Even now I can smell the sawdust.

Two years ago he passed away after battling with brain cancer. Usually when I have sad memories, the music that triggers them sends me into a tailspin of depression. This isn’t the case with Creedence. Every time I hear Fogerty’s gruff voice, a smile washes over my face. I remember the good times. I remember before things got entirely fucked. For his funeral we put together a CD that would play as people entered. To this day, if I hear any of the songs on that mix, I get all out teary eyed. Except for CCR and their song Have You Ever Seen The Rain? That song causes me to sit back and take stock in the things that are going right.

So this summer when the grill is going, the sun is hot, and the beer is cold; bump some CCR and take a look around. Soak in the good times. Take stock in the fun you have. I know that’s what I’ll be doing. I’ll also be pouring one out for BmcD. Miss you everyday pops. CCR. GET IT INTO IT.

Big Hugs,


