Artist of the Week

Artist of the Week-The Asteroids Galaxy Tour

This week’s artist is yet another band who gained their fame from an ipod commercial.  The Asteroids Galaxy Tour has been one of those fortunate groups blessed with talent and luck that immediately catches on and becomes a huge success. Now you can hear and see them advertising Heineken beer in their latest commercial with their hit song “Golden Age.”

The Asteroids Galaxy Tour began their journey in 2007 and it was soon after that their demo made its way to the ears of Amy Winehouse.  Winehouse later had them open for her show that same year in the band’s hometown of Copenhagen, Denmark.  This show would be their first live event.  It worked well for them; December of 2008 brought them the ipod commercial that would land them on the radar of everyone in North America with a TV.  It featured their hit single “Around the Bend,” and the Asteroids Galaxy Tour is exactly what was to be around the bend.

Their 2009 release of Fruit provided listeners with a final product that was pleasantly entertaining.  To say that the Asteroids Galaxy Tour is limited to one sound would be a huge mistake.  In their album you’ll find influences and sounds from the likes of the B-52’s to David Bowie to the Gorillaz to Parliament for a psychedelic breakdown that takes you on an almost literal tour of the galaxy.  The band, originally a two-piece of Mette Lindburg and Lars Iverson (their producer and originally a jazz pianist), has grown to a six-piece for their live shows so that they could incorporate their horns and other instruments necessary to reproduce the sound on their record.

Though they’ve become more popular with the success they’ve achieved, they are still not known to the degree their tour-mates have reached.  But the band continue to acquire more gigs to ensure their rise to the top.  TAGT gained more traction in the summer of 2009 when they performed as Katy Perry’s opening act and as mentioned earlier, their song “Golden Age” is featured in Heineken’s new add entitled “the Entrance.”  The band need not worry about their future success as their label, Universal, seems to be taking care of that for them.  The Asteroids Galaxy Tour’s only worry at this point is the need to put out more music that all of us out there can enjoy.

Useful Links

Heineken Commercial

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