

surgeon5bl8When the Doctor speaks, we all listen.  Our own resident physician Dr. Justin thinks music nowadays sucks.  I couldn’t agree, yet disagree, more!  In the last podcast our crew debated, and what they came up with was:  music is force fed down our throats by radio stations who play songs who give them the most money/perks/favors.  That is why I haven’t listened to the radio for over five years now.  Although I disagree on the music of today.  Their are tons of bands/artists who are bad ass, it is just that they do not get radio airplay, which is a shame.  Dr. Justin also said that the younger generation doesn’t know too much of older bands.  I agree, other than the trendy Nirvana, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles, the youth do not know much.  I am not an expert on musical history, but from time to time I will post 5 songs that you should discover.  These songs will be an eclectic mix, ranging from R&B, Rock to Country.  Hopefully people can discover/rediscover songs they’d never heard before!  So enjoy and I’ll try to do this every so often.  Because God forbid you should ever run into Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray) and have a music battle!

5 Songs You Should Know

Psycho Killer– The Talking Heads

Sound & Vision– David Bowie

The Promise– When in Rome

PG– Saul Williams

One-Armed Scissor– At The Drive-In