Cover Songs The Blogs

Covers Revue – Brendon Urie and Dallon Weekes cover “Skid Row (Downtown)” :: From the movie “Little Shop of Horrors”

So we’ve never done a cover from Broadway before but here we are. And who cares if it’s too late for Halloween? “The Little Shop of Horrors” sounds like an awesome movie (cultivating a plant that feeds on humans? how can that NOT be awesome?) but I’ve never seen it. The performance of the song “Skid Row (Downtown)” totally encapsulates that whole Broadway feel though. From the gospel/soul voice fluctuation of the opening voice and the tingling piano to Rick Moranis’ geek-chic normal guy voice, this scene/song has got it all covered!

Brendon Urie is known for his work in Panic! at the Disco, a band that became known after their hugely pop-tastic debut, A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out. His voice was understated in those albums but in this cover, his voice has drastically improved and is perfect for the part. Dallon Weekes, of The Brobecks, adds a light, almost femmy aspect to the song. The two combined along with the more guitar-driven cover make a pop-alt-punk concoction that serves as a great substitute for the real thing.